Getting into an accident with a semi truck or 18-wheeler can be very traumatizing for everyone involved. If you have recently been involved in an accident with a commercial vehicle in the state of Arizona, you are going to need the professional experience of a Phoenix semi truck accident attorney. Your attorney will be able to help you receive compensation for your injuries and damages done to your commercial vehicle.
As a citizen, we have all seen news footage related to passenger car accidents. What is even rarer is to see an accident on the news that involves a semi-truck or an 18-wheeler. These specific types of accidents are normally much more serious due to the fact that commercial vehicles can carry 10,000 pounds or more in cargo. The truck, including the cargo weight, more than likely exceeds 80,000 pounds or more where passenger vehicles are only around 3,000 pounds. In saying that, it is very easy to determine how a larger vehicle can be more dangerous in an accident than the smaller vehicles because when a big rig truck is hauling a hazardous load, the risk of death and serious injuries increases greatly with every mistake made.
Because of the catastrophic accidents, these trucks can cause in a collision and the chances of death and severe injuries, you will need a highly motivated Phoenix car accident attorney. The injury attorney assigned to you at Hutzler Law will fight on your behalf to get you the compensation amount you deserve.
Recent Statistics of Semi-Truck Accidents
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration had released statistics of commercial truck accidents in the year 2018. The reports and statistics had stated that in 2018 alone, there were over 164,660 vehicle accidents that involved semi truck, with 79,950 reported injuries and 4,720 fatalities. In comparison to 2017, there were 154,673 vehicle accidents, 76,015 reported injuries, but an increase of fatalities to 4,865.
Not included in those statistics above are the number of accidents and fatalities involving a bus. In 2018, there were over 18,350 injuries related to a bus accident, 310 of those resulting in a fatality.
Since there are an estimated 2.7 million tractor-trailer / semi trucks on the road, the odds of an accident involving a semi truck greatly increase. But what are some reasons why these accidents even occur? Continue reading to find out. If you or a family member have been involved in one of these accidents, the compensation you deserve is just a phone call away.
If you have been injured in an accident involving a commercial vehicle, you may be entitled to compensation.
Contact a Vehicle Accident Lawyer at Hutzler Law for a free case consultation.
Hutzler Law PLLC
4323 N 12th St., Suite 101
Phoenix, AZ 85014
Call: (602) 926-1222
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Originally posted on https://hutzlerlawfirm.wordpress.com/2022/05/01/auto-accidents-involving-a-commercial-semi-truck/